Discussing therapeutic interventions through process group therapy and its connection to the Sensation method, the original topic of this blog
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A clinical thought
My hope that reading the cases in the book people will grasp the kind of depth, the direction I am looking for in their answers.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Feeding the Hungry Minds of Teens
So he did. He read a few of the cases and he told me it made him feel so good that those people got better. And it made him feel even better, that he knew that his mom did that.
When he first asked me to give him a copy to read, I was suddenly not sure how he would take it. Then I suggested that he read some of the kids' cases, which he did. It did resonate with him and I think he found a small peek into a different way of looking at the world. When kids are surrounded by a very homogeneous culture (the preteen and teen -scene is extremely homogeneous, to the contrary of what teens think), it is an important task to keep those young minds working. Reading is one of the best ways to achieve that. At this age the avid readers read fiction - which is great for their developing minds: a wonderful bridge between childhood imagination and establishing their future identity. But I always feel truly successful as a mother (my children are 19, 15, 13, 11 and 2), when I manage to encourage them to get excited about ideas that trigger thinking or social awareness. I did not expect that among my book's audience would be many teens, but who knows; maybe they will find some eye openers in it. When teens come to see me as my clients, I often feel they do not expect that I am really interested in them. They do not expect that their ideas can be truly insightful. It takes some time before they ease into the interview and open up their world for me. Sooner or later they realize that I am not just some kind of a freak for being interested in them, but I can actually show them a part of their inner world that is unique. (Often it is in a different area where they had thought they were unique!) I always appreciate when teens decide to talk to me. And now I am looking forward to hearing their comments on my book, as well.
Thursday, November 15, 2007

I would like to ask you to help me spread the word by writing a Customer Review on the Amazon page of the book Sensations.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
What is the book about?
According to Sensations a homeopath can find the best remedy for your ills by listening to a description of the bodily sensations you experience when having a headache, a skin rash or just a bad day.
The author masterfully describes the intricate behind-the-scenes details of a homeopath’s mind drawing upon her own clinical experiences working with the Sensation Method. She outlines and illustrates this approach in an easy-to-understand and enjoyable format. The book consists of ten descriptive cases, where the reader gets acquainted with the lifestyles and problems of ten distinctly different people seeking help with migraines, menstrual cramps, carpal tunnel syndrome, hypertension, acute kidney colic, and children with autism, head lice, and eczema. Interspersed in the dialogue between homeopath and client you read about the homeopath’s thought process and follow the events like a Sherlock Holmes detective story. The book is suitable and informative for the novice as well as readers more seasoned in homeopathic philosophy. Homeopathy is a popular holistic healing modality that helps the body heal itself gently yet effectively.
“Ildiko Ran has written an excellent introduction to the innovative principles and methodology of Rajan Sankaran’s “Sensation Method”. The book is well organized, the style is succinct and clear, and the cases are very instructional. I highly recommend it to any student of this method.” Julian Jonas, CCH, Lic. Ac., Homeopath
You can read more at my publisher's website at Inner Experience Press
Monday, November 12, 2007
First Book signing event
Thanks to all who carved out some time from their busy weekend to come to celebrate with me the birth of Sensations. Thank you for making me feel like it was worth writing the book! The feedback I am receiving is just right. It fits the reasons why I wrote the book in the first place: the Sensation Method of Homeopathy is a fascinating way to look at health, and life in general. Homeopathy is often misinterpreted and many people are surprised and interested to learn more when they hear me talk about it. Thanks again, and please use this forum here to continue the discussion.
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