"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel".
This Maya Angelou quote is the beginning of the description of the essential nature of our inner felt sense. Not only we should consider how we made others feel but how we make ourselves feel. Feeling here incorporates feeling emotions and feeling bodily sensations. They always come hand in hand, they are inseparable. Becoming aware of them is a question we need to ponder about: are we aware of the connection between our emotions and out bodily sensations? The more we pay attention, the more subtleties we are going to be able to notice. The more we notice, more aware we become. If there is inner turmoil and conflict, these sensations will guide us to an answer, to a place where they quiet down.
Consider how a certain smell, a certain event, a certain activity, a certain person, a certain place made you feel. Find the bodily felt sense in this and enjoy the richness of everyday experiences.